* Package: app-emacs/circe-2.13:0 * Repository: gentoo * Maintainer: gnu-emacs@gentoo.org * USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_musl kernel_linux test * FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox test userpriv usersandbox @@@@@ PLEASE PAY ATTENTION HERE!!! @@@@@ This information may help you to understand if this is a duplicate or if this bug exists after you pushed a fix; This ebuild was merged at the following commit: https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/gentoo/commit/c21b1e59eb321d7b902bbf4de0a7e23821d2f04e (Sun Mar 3 04:50:49 UTC 2024) @@@@@ END @@@@@ ################## # emerge --info: # ################## Portage 3.0.61 (python 3.12.2-final-0, default/linux/amd64/17.0/musl/hardened, gcc-13, musl-1.2.5, 6.1.66-gentoo-dist x86_64) ================================================================= System uname: Linux-6.1.66-gentoo-dist-x86_64-AMD_EPYC_7513_32-Core_Processor-with-libc KiB Mem: 263452516 total, 36881056 free KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free Timestamp of repository gentoo: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 04:50:48 +0000 sh bash 5.2_p26 ld GNU ld (Gentoo 2.42 p3) 2.42.0 app-misc/pax-utils: 1.3.7::gentoo app-shells/bash: 5.2_p26::gentoo dev-build/autoconf: 2.72-r1::gentoo dev-build/automake: 1.16.5-r2::gentoo dev-build/cmake: 3.28.3::gentoo dev-build/libtool: 2.4.7-r2::gentoo dev-build/make: 4.4.1-r1::gentoo dev-build/meson: 1.3.2::gentoo dev-lang/perl: 5.38.2-r2::gentoo dev-lang/python: 3.10.13_p3::gentoo, 3.11.8_p1::gentoo, 3.12.2_p1::gentoo sys-apps/baselayout: 2.14-r2::gentoo sys-apps/openrc: 0.53::gentoo sys-apps/sandbox: 2.38::gentoo sys-devel/binutils: 2.42-r1::gentoo sys-devel/binutils-config: 5.5::gentoo sys-devel/gcc: 13.2.1_p20240210::gentoo sys-devel/gcc-config: 2.11::gentoo sys-kernel/linux-headers: 6.7::gentoo (virtual/os-headers) sys-libs/musl: 1.2.5::gentoo Repositories: gentoo location: /usr/portage sync-type: rsync sync-uri: rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage priority: -1000 volatile: True sync-rsync-verify-jobs: 1 sync-rsync-extra-opts: sync-rsync-verify-max-age: 3 sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest: yes Binary Repositories: gentoobinhost priority: 1 sync-uri: https://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/amd64/binpackages/17.1/x86-64_musl_hardened ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64" ACCEPT_LICENSE="* GPL-3+" CBUILD="x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl" CFLAGS="-O2 -march=x86-64 -pipe -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -fno-diagnostics-color -fmessage-length=0" CHOST="x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/env.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=x86-64 -pipe -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -fno-diagnostics-color -fmessage-length=0" DISTDIR="/var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/distdir" EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--complete-graph y --with-bdeps=y -1 -k -b --backtrack=100" ENV_UNSET="CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR XDG_STATE_HOME" FCFLAGS="-O2 -march=x86-64 -pipe -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -fno-diagnostics-color -fmessage-length=0" FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs binpkg-multi-instance buildpkg buildpkg-live config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox pkgdir-index-trusted preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms sign split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr" FFLAGS="-O2 -march=x86-64 -pipe -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -fno-diagnostics-color -fmessage-length=0" GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://mirror.leaseweb.com/gentoo/ http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/gentoo/ http://ftp.belnet.be/pub/rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo/ http://distfiles.gentoo.org" INSTALL_MASK="charset.alias /usr/share/locale/locale.alias" LANG="C.UTF8" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0" LEX="flex" MAKEOPTS="-j16" PKGDIR="/root/tbci/binpkg" PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/" PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --omit-dir-times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --human-readable --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages --exclude=/.git" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" SHELL="/bin/bash" USE="acl amd64 bzip2 cet cli crypt debug dri elogind fortran hardened iconv ipv6 jumbo-build libtirpc native-symlinks ncurses nls openmp pam pcre pic pie readline seccomp split-usr ssl ssp test test-rust unicode xattr xtpax zlib" ABI_X86="64" ELIBC="musl" KERNEL="linux" Unset: ADDR2LINE, AR, ARFLAGS, AS, ASFLAGS, CC, CCLD, CONFIG_SHELL, CPP, CPPFLAGS, CTARGET, CXX, CXXFILT, ELFEDIT, EXTRA_ECONF, F77FLAGS, FC, GCOV, GPROF, LC_ALL, LD, LFLAGS, LIBTOOL, LINGUAS, MAKE, MAKEFLAGS, NM, OBJCOPY, OBJDUMP, PORTAGE_BINHOST, PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND, PORTAGE_COMPRESS, PORTAGE_COMPRESS_FLAGS, PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS, PYTHONPATH, RANLIB, READELF, RUSTFLAGS, SIZE, STRINGS, STRIP, YACC, YFLAGS ############################## # emerge history (qlop -mv): # ############################## 2024-03-03T07:02:49 >>> acct-group/mail-0-r2 2024-03-03T07:02:50 >>> app-eselect/eselect-ctags-1.19 2024-03-03T07:02:52 >>> net-libs/liblockfile-1.17 2024-03-03T07:02:54 >>> app-eselect/eselect-emacs-1.19 2024-03-03T07:02:58 >>> app-emacs/emacs-common-1.9 2024-03-03T07:03:00 >>> app-editors/emacs-29.2-r1 2024-03-03T07:03:07 >>> app-emacs/circe-2.13 2024-03-03T07:03:21 >>> app-emacs/buttercup-1.34 ####################################### # installed packages (qlist -ICvUSS): # ####################################### acct-group/audio-0-r2:0 acct-group/cdrom-0-r2:0 acct-group/dialout-0-r2:0 acct-group/disk-0-r2:0 acct-group/floppy-0-r1:0 acct-group/input-0-r2:0 acct-group/kmem-0-r2:0 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app-alternatives/yacc-1-r2:0 bison -byacc -reference app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r5:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static -static-libs -verify-sig app-arch/cpio-2.15:0 nls app-arch/gzip-1.13:0 pic -static -verify-sig app-arch/libarchive-3.7.2-r2:0/13 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 acl -blake2 bzip2 e2fsprogs -expat iconv -lz4 lzma -lzo -nettle -static-libs -test -verify-sig xattr -zstd app-arch/tar-1.35:0 acl -minimal nls -selinux -verify-sig xattr app-arch/unzip-6.0_p27-r1:0 bzip2 -natspec unicode app-arch/xz-utils-5.6.0-r1:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -cpu_flags_arm_crc32 -doc extra-filters nls -pgo -static-libs -verify-sig app-arch/zstd-1.5.5-r1:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -lz4 lzma -static-libs -test zlib app-crypt/gnupg-2.4.4-r1:0 bzip2 -doc -ldap nls readline -selinux smartcard ssl -test tofu -tools -tpm -usb -user-socket -verify-sig -wks-server app-crypt/gpgme-1.23.2:1/ -common-lisp cxx debug -python python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 -qt5 -qt6 -static-libs -test -verify-sig app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r3:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -native-cflags openmp -static-libs app-crypt/libmd-1.1.0:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 app-crypt/pinentry-1.2.1-r6:0 -X -caps -efl -emacs -gtk -keyring ncurses -qt5 -verify-sig -wayland app-crypt/rhash-1.4.4-r1:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 debug nls ssl -static-libs app-editors/emacs-29.2-r1:29 X -Xaw3d acl -alsa -aqua -athena -cairo -dbus -dynamic-loading -games -gfile -gif gmp -gpm -gsettings -gtk -gui -gzip-el -harfbuzz -imagemagick inotify -jit -jpeg -json -kerberos -lcms -libxml2 -livecd -m17n-lib -mailutils -motif -png -selinux -sound -source -sqlite ssl -svg -systemd threads -tiff -toolkit-scroll-bars -tree-sitter -valgrind -webp -wide-int -xft xpm -xwidgets zlib app-editors/nano-7.2-r1:0 -debug -justify -magic -minimal ncurses nls spell -static unicode app-emacs/buttercup-1.34:0 app-emacs/circe-2.13:0 -test app-emacs/emacs-common-1.9:0 -games -gsettings -gui app-eselect/eselect-ctags-1.19:0 app-eselect/eselect-emacs-1.19:0 app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-20220403:0 app-eselect/eselect-iptables-20220320:0 app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1-r1:0 app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7.3:0 app-misc/ca-certificates-20240203.3.98:0 -cacert app-misc/editor-wrapper-4-r1:0 app-misc/mime-types-2.1.54:0 -nginx app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.7:0 -caps -man -python -python_single_target_python3_10 python_single_target_python3_11 -seccomp -test 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python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 dev-build/ninja-1.11.1-r5:0 -doc -test dev-db/sqlite-3.45.1-r1:3 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 debug -doc -icu readline -secure-delete -static-libs -tcl -test -tools dev-lang/perl-5.38.2-r2:0/5.38 -berkdb debug -doc -gdbm ithreads -minimal -quadmath dev-lang/python-3.12.2_p1:3.12 -bluetooth -build debug ensurepip -examples gdbm -libedit ncurses -pgo readline sqlite ssl -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig dev-lang/python-3.11.8_p1:3.11 -bluetooth -build debug ensurepip -examples gdbm -libedit ncurses -pgo readline sqlite ssl -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig dev-lang/python-3.10.13_p3:3.10 -bluetooth -build debug ensurepip -examples gdbm -libedit ncurses -pgo readline sqlite ssl -test -tk -valgrind -verify-sig dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.10:2 native-symlinks python_targets_pypy3 python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 -test dev-lang/python-exec-conf-2.4.6:2 -python_targets_pypy3 python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 dev-lang/tcl-8.6.13-r1:0/8.6 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 debug threads dev-libs/boehm-gc-8.2.6:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -cxx large -static-libs threads dev-libs/elfutils-0.191:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 bzip2 -debuginfod -lzma nls -static-libs -test utils -verify-sig -zstd dev-libs/expat-2.6.1:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -examples -static-libs -test unicode dev-libs/glib-2.78.4-r1:2 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -dbus debug elf -gtk-doc mime -selinux -static-libs -sysprof -systemtap -test -utils xattr dev-libs/gmp-6.3.0-r1:0/10.4 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 asm cpudetection cxx -doc pic -static-libs dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.78.1:0 -doctool -gtk-doc -python_single_target_python3_10 python_single_target_python3_11 -python_single_target_python3_12 -test dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.78.1:0 dev-libs/isl-0.24-r2:0/23 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs dev-libs/jsoncpp-1.9.5:0/25 -doc -test dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.6:0 -verify-sig dev-libs/libatomic_ops-7.8.2:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 dev-libs/libbsd-0.11.8:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs -verify-sig dev-libs/libevent-2.1.12-r1:0/2.1-7 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 clock-gettime debug -malloc-replacement ssl -static-libs -test -verbose-debug -verify-sig dev-libs/libffi-3.4.6:0/8 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 debug -exec-static-trampoline -pax-kernel -static-libs -test dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.3-r1:0/20 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 asm -cpu_flags_arm_aes -cpu_flags_arm_neon -cpu_flags_arm_sha1 -cpu_flags_arm_sha2 -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -cpu_flags_ppc_vsx2 -cpu_flags_ppc_vsx3 cpu_flags_x86_aes cpu_flags_x86_avx cpu_flags_x86_avx2 -cpu_flags_x86_padlock -cpu_flags_x86_sha cpu_flags_x86_sse4_1 -doc getentropy -static-libs -verify-sig dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.48:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -common-lisp nls -static-libs -test -verify-sig 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-abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 crypt debug -examples -python python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 -static-libs dev-libs/lzo-2.10:2 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -examples split-usr -static-libs dev-libs/mpc-1.3.1:0/3 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs dev-libs/mpfr-4.2.1:0/6 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs -verify-sig dev-libs/nettle-3.9.1:0/8-6 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 asm -cpu_flags_arm_aes -cpu_flags_arm_neon -cpu_flags_arm_sha1 -cpu_flags_arm_sha2 -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec -cpu_flags_ppc_vsx2 -cpu_flags_ppc_vsx3 cpu_flags_x86_aes cpu_flags_x86_pclmul -cpu_flags_x86_sha -doc gmp 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dev-vcs/git-2.44.0:0 blksha1 -cgi curl -cvs -doc gpg -highlight iconv -keyring -mediawiki nls pcre -perforce -perl -python_single_target_python3_10 python_single_target_python3_11 -python_single_target_python3_12 safe-directory -selinux -subversion -test -tk webdav -xinetd media-fonts/liberation-fonts-2.1.5:0 -X -X -fontforge media-gfx/graphite2-1.3.14_p20210810-r3:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -perl -test media-libs/fontconfig-2.15.0:1.0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc nls -test media-libs/freetype-2.13.2:2 -X -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 adobe-cff -brotli bzip2 cleartype-hinting debug -doc -fontforge harfbuzz png -static-libs -svg -utils media-libs/harfbuzz-8.3.0:0/6.0.0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 cairo debug -doc -experimental glib graphite -icu introspection -test truetype media-libs/libpng-1.6.43:0/16 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -apng -cpu_flags_arm_neon cpu_flags_x86_sse -static-libs -test net-dns/c-ares-1.27.0:0/2 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs -test -verify-sig net-dns/libidn2-2.3.7:0/2 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 nls -static-libs -verify-sig net-firewall/iptables-1.8.10-r1:0/1.8.3 -conntrack -netlink -nftables -pcap -static-libs -test net-libs/gnutls-3.8.3:0/30.30 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -brotli cxx -dane -doc -examples idn nls openssl -pkcs11 seccomp -sslv2 -sslv3 -static-libs -test -test-full tls-heartbeat -tools -verify-sig zlib -zstd 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split-usr sys-apps/coreutils-9.4-r1:0 acl -caps -gmp -hostname -kill -multicall nls openssl -selinux split-usr -static -test -vanilla -verify-sig xattr sys-apps/dbus-1.15.8:0 -X -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 debug -doc elogind -selinux -static-libs -systemd -test -test -valgrind sys-apps/diffutils-3.10:0 nls -verify-sig sys-apps/elfix-0.9.5:0 -ptpax -test xtpax sys-apps/file-5.45-r4:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 bzip2 -lzip -lzma -python python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 -seccomp -static-libs -verify-sig zlib -zstd sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0-r2:0 nls -selinux -static -test -verify-sig sys-apps/gawk-5.3.0-r1:0 -mpfr nls -pma readline -verify-sig sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.19:0 sys-apps/grep-3.11:0 egrep-fgrep nls pcre -static -verify-sig sys-apps/groff-1.23.0:0 -X -examples -uchardet sys-apps/help2man-1.49.3:0 nls 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sys-apps/shadow-4.14.6:0/4 acl -audit -cracklib nls pam -selinux -skey split-usr -su -systemd -verify-sig xattr sys-apps/systemd-utils-254.10:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 acl -boot -kernel-install kmod -python_single_target_python3_10 python_single_target_python3_11 -python_single_target_python3_12 -secureboot -selinux split-usr -sysusers -test tmpfiles udev -ukify sys-apps/sysvinit-3.08:0 -ibm -nls -selinux -static -verify-sig sys-apps/texinfo-7.1-r1:0 nls standalone -static sys-apps/util-linux-2.39.3-r2:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -audit -build -caps cramfs -cryptsetup -fdformat hardlink -kill logger -magic ncurses -nls pam -python python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 readline -rtas -selinux -slang -static-libs su suid -systemd -test -tty-helpers -udev unicode -verify-sig sys-apps/which-2.21:0 sys-auth/elogind-252.9:0 acl -audit cgroup-hybrid debug -doc pam -policykit -selinux -test sys-auth/pambase-20240128:0 -caps -debug elogind -gnome-keyring -homed -minimal -mktemp nullok -pam_krb5 -pam_ssh passwdqc -pwhistory -pwquality -securetty -selinux sha512 -sssd -systemd -yescrypt sys-auth/passwdqc-2.0.3-r1:0 sys-devel/bc-1.07.1-r6:0 -libedit readline -static sys-devel/binutils-2.42-r1:2.42 cet -debuginfod -doc -gold -gprofng hardened -multitarget nls -pgo plugins -static-libs -test -vanilla -zstd sys-devel/binutils-config-5.5:0 native-symlinks sys-devel/bison-3.8.2-r2:0 -examples nls -static -test -verify-sig sys-devel/flex-2.6.4-r6:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 nls -static -test sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20240210:13 -ada cet -custom-cflags cxx -d -debug default-stack-clash-protection default-znow -doc -fixed-point fortran -go graphite hardened -ieee-long-double -jit -libssp lto -modula2 -multilib -nls -objc -objc++ -objc-gc openmp -pch -pgo pie -sanitize ssp -systemtap -test -valgrind -vanilla -vtv -zstd sys-devel/gcc-config-2.11:0 cc-wrappers native-symlinks sys-devel/gettext-0.22.5:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 acl cxx -doc -emacs -git -java -java ncurses -nls openmp -static-libs -verify-sig xattr sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731:0 sys-devel/m4-1.4.19-r2:0 -examples nls -verify-sig sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r5:0 -static -test -verify-sig xattr sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.47.0-r3:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -cron -fuse -nls -static-libs -test tools sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-35:0 sys-kernel/dracut-060_pre20240104-r3:0 -selinux -test sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-6.1.80:6.1.80 initramfs -test sys-kernel/installkernel-28:0 dracut -grub -refind -systemd -systemd-boot -uki -ukify sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.7:0 -headers-only sys-libs/argp-standalone-1.5.0:0 -static-libs sys-libs/fts-standalone-1.2.7:0 -static-libs sys-libs/gdbm-1.23:0/6 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 berkdb nls readline -static-libs -test -verify-sig sys-libs/libcap-2.69-r1:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 pam -static-libs -tools sys-libs/libseccomp-2.5.5:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -experimental-loong -python python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 -static-libs -test sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.36-r2:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 compat -headers-only split-usr -static-libs system -test sys-libs/musl-1.2.5:0 -crypt -headers-only split-usr -verify-sig sys-libs/ncurses-6.4_p20230401:0/6 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -ada cxx debug -doc -gpm -minimal -profile split-usr -split-usr -stack-realign -static-libs -test tinfo -trace -verify-sig sys-libs/obstack-standalone-1.2.3:0 -static-libs sys-libs/pam-1.5.3-r1:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -audit -berkdb -debug -filecaps -nis -selinux sys-libs/queue-standalone-0.1-r1:0 sys-libs/readline-8.2_p10:0/8 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 split-usr -static-libs unicode -utils -verify-sig sys-libs/zlib-1.3.1-r1:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 minizip -static-libs -verify-sig sys-process/procps-4.0.4-r1:0/0-ng -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 elogind kill -modern-top ncurses nls -selinux -static-libs -systemd -test unicode sys-process/psmisc-23.6:0 -X -apparmor nls -selinux -test virtual/acl-0-r2:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs virtual/dev-manager-0-r2:0 virtual/dist-kernel-6.1.80:0/6.1.80 virtual/editor-0-r7:0 virtual/libc-1-r1:0 virtual/libcrypt-2-r1:0/2 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -static-libs virtual/libelf-3-r1:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 virtual/libiconv-0-r2:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 virtual/libintl-0-r2:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 virtual/libudev-251-r2:0/1 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -systemd virtual/man-0-r4:0 virtual/openssh-0:0 ssl virtual/os-headers-0-r2:0 virtual/package-manager-1:0 virtual/pager-0-r1:0 virtual/perl-bignum-0.660.0:0 virtual/perl-Carp-1.540.0:0 virtual/perl-CPAN-2.360.0:0 virtual/perl-Data-Dumper-2.188.0:0 virtual/perl-Encode-3.190.0:0 virtual/perl-Exporter-5.770.0-r1:0 virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.700.0:0 virtual/perl-File-Path-2.180.0-r2:0 virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.880.0:0 virtual/perl-File-Temp-0.231.100:0 virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.540.0:0 virtual/perl-libnet-3.150.0:0 ssl virtual/perl-Math-BigInt-1.999.842:0 virtual/perl-Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.501.300:0 virtual/perl-Math-BigRat-0.262.400:0 virtual/perl-Math-Complex-1.620.0:0 virtual/perl-MIME-Base64-3.160.100_rc:0 virtual/perl-parent-0.241.0:0 virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.630.0:0 virtual/perl-Test-Harness-3.440.0-r1:0 virtual/perl-Unicode-Collate-1.310.0-r1:0 virtual/pkgconfig-3:0 native-symlinks virtual/service-manager-1-r1:0 virtual/ssh-0-r2:0 -minimal virtual/tmpfiles-0-r5:0 -systemd virtual/ttf-fonts-1-r2:0 virtual/udev-217-r7:0 -systemd virtual/w3m-1:0 www-client/pybugz-0.14:0 python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 www-client/w3m-0.5.3_p20230121:0 -X -fbcon -gdk-pixbuf -gpm -imlib l10n_ja -lynxkeymap nls -nntp ssl unicode -xface x11-base/xcb-proto-1.16.0:0 python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 x11-base/xorg-proto-2023.2:0 -test x11-libs/cairo-1.18.0:0 X -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -aqua -debug glib -gtk-doc -test x11-libs/libX11-1.8.7:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc -test x11-libs/libXau-1.0.11:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc x11-libs/libxcb-1.16.1:0/1.12 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc -doc -selinux -test xkb x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.1.5:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc x11-libs/libXext-1.3.6:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -doc x11-libs/libXrender-0.9.11:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 x11-libs/pixman-0.43.4:0 -abi_mips_n32 -abi_mips_n64 -abi_mips_o32 -abi_s390_32 -abi_s390_64 -abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 -abi_x86_x32 -cpu_flags_arm_iwmmxt -cpu_flags_arm_iwmmxt2 -cpu_flags_arm_neon -cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_x86_mmxext cpu_flags_x86_sse2 cpu_flags_x86_ssse3 -loongson2f -static-libs -test x11-libs/xtrans-1.5.0:0 -doc x11-misc/compose-tables-1.8.7:0 x11-misc/shared-mime-info-2.4-r1:0 -test x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.2.1-r1:0 -X -dbus -doc -gnome ############# # build.log # ############# * Emacs version: 29.2 >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking circe-2.13.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work >>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work/circe-2.13 ... >>> Source prepared. >>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work/circe-2.13 ... >>> Source configured. >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work/circe-2.13 ... * Compiling GNU Emacs Elisp files ... In end of data: circe-display-images.el:176:18: Warning: the function ‘image-animate’ is not known to be defined. In lui-button-elisp-symbol: lui.el:694:10: Warning: ‘help-xref-interned’ is an obsolete function (as of 25.1); use ‘describe-symbol’ instead. In lui-insert-with-text-properties: lui.el:961:17: Warning: ‘inhibit-point-motion-hooks’ is an obsolete variable (as of 25.1); use ‘cursor-intangible-mode’ or ‘cursor-sensor-mode’ instead In lui-filter-buffer-time-stamps: lui.el:1320:10: Warning: ‘inhibit-point-motion-hooks’ is an obsolete variable (as of 25.1); use ‘cursor-intangible-mode’ or ‘cursor-sensor-mode’ instead In toplevel form: make-tls-process.el:29:11: Warning: Package tls is deprecated [ ok ] >>> Source compiled. >>> Test phase: app-emacs/circe-2.13 * Running buttercup tests ... Running 214 specs. Circe chat mode creation function should have circe-server-buffer set in the mode hook (2.39ms) The `circe-version' command should display the current version (0.08ms) The `circe-duration-string' function should handle very short amounts of time (0.08ms) should support second granularity (0.13ms) should support minute granularity (0.25ms) should support monthly granularity (0.08ms) Circe's completion facility should complete nicks with colon at the beginning of the input (12.82ms) should complete nicks without colon later in the input (10.32ms) Display of RPL_WHOISREPLY should show idle time (0.16ms) should show idle time and signon time (0.23ms) RPL_TOPICWHOTIME should show current topic time (0.25ms) should show current topic time in a different channel (0.27ms) CTCP ACTION should show a query in a query buffer (0.13ms) should show a query in the current buffer (0.15ms) should show a channel action (0.15ms) CTCP PING should display unknown seconds when passed nil for text (0.19ms) The `irc-connect' function should return a process when using non-tls connections (0.11ms) should return a process when using tls connections (0.52ms) should not use nowait if it is not supported (0.37ms) should call the sentinel if nowait is not supported (0.09ms) Connection options should retrieve options set (1.36ms) The `irc--sentinel' function should emit conn.failed for a failed event (0.13ms) should emit conn.connected on an open event (0.07ms) should emit conn.disconnected for a broken connection (0.07ms) should emit conn.disconnected for a finished process (0.07ms) should emit conn.disconnected for an exiting process (0.06ms) should ignored killed processes (0.06ms) should ignore deleted processes (0.05ms) should raise an error for unknown events (0.08ms) The `irc--filter' function should handle single lines (1.21ms) should handle single lines even without CR (1.10ms) should handle multiple lines at once (1.25ms) should handle partial lines (1.16ms) should not handle a line received while others are processed (1.15ms) The `irc--handle-line' function should emit an event for the command (0.12ms) The `irc--parse' function should parse a command without anything else (0.10ms) should parse a command with a single argument (0.09ms) should parse a command with two arguments (0.09ms) should treat single space as argument separator (0.08ms) should parse a command with rest argument (0.09ms) should parse a command with sender and no arguments (0.08ms) should parse a command with sender and a single argument (0.08ms) should parse a command with sender and two arguments (0.09ms) should parse a command with sender and rest argument (0.09ms) should decode arguments (0.09ms) should decode arguments individually (0.09ms) The `irc-userstring-nick' function should return the nick of a nick!user@host userstring (0.08ms) should return the string verbatim if it's something else (0.08ms) The `irc-userstring-userhost' function should return the user@host of a nick!user@host userstring (0.09ms) should return nil if it's something else (0.07ms) The `irc-event-emit' function should run the irc-handler for the event (1.25ms) should run the irc-handler for nil (1.13ms) The event handler table API should run an event that was added (0.09ms) should not throw an error if a handler throws one (0.11ms) should not throw an error if a handler throws one and debug-on-error (0.07ms) should not run a remove handler (0.09ms) The `irc-send-raw' function should send single messages immediately (1.16ms) should not create a timer for a single message (1.20ms) should prevent flooding (1.19ms) should continue sending after a delay (1.30ms) should drop lines if the flood queue is full and :drop is given (1.52ms) should send items immediately if :nowait is given (1.19ms) should encode strings being sent as utf-8 (1.11ms) The `irc-send-command' should send properly-formatted commands (0.08ms) should quote a final argument if it starts with a colon (0.07ms) should fail if any argument is not a string (0.09ms) should fail if any argument but the last has a space (0.11ms) The send function `irc-send-AUTHENTICATE' should send an AUTHENTICATE message (0.07ms) `irc-send-AUTHENTICATE' should send an AWAY message with reason (0.07ms) should send an AWAY message without reason to return (0.06ms) `irc-send-CAP' should send a CAP message (0.07ms) `irc-send-INVITE' should send an INVITE message (0.06ms) `irc-send-JOIN' should send a normal JOIN (0.13ms) should send a JOIN with key (0.07ms) `irc-send-NAMES' should send a NAMES message with no arguments (0.06ms) should send a NAMES message with a channel argument (0.06ms) `irc-send-NICK' should send a NICK message (0.07ms) `irc-send-NOTICE' should send a NOTICE message (0.07ms) `irc-send-PART' should send a PART message (0.07ms) `irc-send-PASS' should send a PASS message (0.06ms) `irc-send-PONG' should send a PONG message to a single server (0.08ms) `irc-send-PRIVMSG' should send a PRIVMSG message (0.07ms) `irc-send-QUIT' should send a QUIT message (0.06ms) `irc-send-TOPIC' should retrieve a TOPIC with no new topic (0.08ms) should set a TOPIC with new topic argument (0.06ms) `irc-send-USER' should send a USER message (0.07ms) `irc-send-WHOIS' should send a WHOIS message (0.07ms) should allow for an optional WHOIS argument (0.07ms) `irc-send-WHOWAS' should send a WHOWAS message (0.06ms) `irc-send-STATS' should send a STATS message (0.07ms) The registration handler on conn.connected should send the standard registration on connect (1.25ms) should set the connection state to connected (1.26ms) should send a PASS message if a password is given (1.21ms) should send a CAP request if the connection specifies it (1.12ms) on conn.disconnected should set the connection state to disconnected (1.32ms) on 001 RPL_WELCOME should set the connection stat to registered (1.36ms) should emit the irc.registered event (1.23ms) should not fail when there are spurious arguments (2.13ms) on a CAP message should do the full negotiation (2.35ms) should not negotiation with no common capabilities (1.21ms) on SASL authentication should start the negotiation (1.31ms) on SASL authentication should emit sasl.login for 900 numeric (1.16ms) should emit sasl.login for 903 numeric and stop the negotiation (1.24ms) should stop the negotiation for 904 (1.39ms) should close the connection for 904 when sasl.strict is t (1.97ms) should stop the negotiation for 905 (2.21ms) should stop the negotiation for 906 (1.51ms) should stop the negotiation for 907 (1.44ms) The `irc-connection-state' function should return the connection state (1.55ms) should return connecting if nothing was set (1.49ms) The ping-pong handler should send PONG on a PING (1.51ms) The 005 RPL_ISUPPORT handler should set the :isupport connection option (1.96ms) string comparison function should compare with rfc1459 by default (1.65ms) should compare with rfc1459 if CASEMAPPING is rfc1459 (1.65ms) should compare with ascii mapping if casemapping is ascii (1.75ms) should compare with rfc1459-strict mapping if casemapping is that (1.67ms) the channel name identification should identify a channel name (2.34ms) the `irc-nick-without-prefix' function should remove a prefix (2.48ms) The initial nick acquisition handler should try an alternative nick if the initial nick is bogus (2.14ms) should try an alternative nick if the initial nick is in use (2.81ms) should try an alternative nick if the initial nick unavailable (3.14ms) should not try an alternative nick if we already registered (2.26ms) should try a random nick if no alternatives available (1.44ms) The `irc-generate-nick' function should return a random, valid nick (0.12ms) The CTCP handler should send irc.message on a normal PRIVMSG (2.61ms) should send irc.ctcp on a CTCP request with no arguments (3.36ms) should send irc.ctcp on a CTCP request with arguments (3.23ms) should send irc.notice on a normal NOTICE (3.28ms) should send irc.ctcpreply on a CTCP reply with no arguments (2.76ms) should send irc.ctcpreply on a CTCP reply with arguments (1.82ms) should send irc.ctcp.VERB for a CTCP request without argument (1.71ms) should send irc.ctcp.VERB for a CTCP request with argument (2.62ms) should send irc.ctcpreply.VERB for a CTCP reply without argument (2.01ms) should send irc.ctcpreply.VERB for a CTCP reply with argument (1.31ms) `irc-send-ctcp' function should send a CTCP request (1.16ms) `irc-send-ctcpreply' function should send a CTCP reply that is dropped on flooding (1.33ms) default CTCP handlers should respond with :ctcp-version to CTCP VERSION (1.86ms) should respond with :ctcp-clientinfo to CTCP CLIENTINFO (2.52ms) should respond with :ctcp-source to CTCP SOURCE (2.07ms) should respond with the argument to CTCP PING (2.03ms) should respond with the current time to CTCP TIME (2.30ms) The connection channels and users should create channels correctly (1.74ms) should not know channels not added yet (1.15ms) should return a channel after it was added (1.19ms) should create users correctly (1.36ms) should return no user if not added yet (1.14ms) should return the user object that was added before (1.33ms) should remove a channel (1.17ms) should remove a user (1.15ms) should track all channels (1.19ms) should remember activity times for a rejoining user (1.31ms) should remember activity times for a user regaining their nick (1.25ms) The State Tracking handler for the current nick should set the nick on 001 RPL_WELCOME (1.34ms) should not fail when there are spurious arguments to 001 (1.05ms) should change the nick on NICK (1.38ms) for joining should update the channel list if we join (1.26ms) should treat channels case-insensitively (1.20ms) should update users in a channel if someone else joins (1.29ms) should not update users in a channel we are not there (1.17ms) should not fail on extended JOIN (1.83ms) should set the join time (1.62ms) for parting should remove a channel if we part (1.26ms) should remove a channel if we get kicked (1.23ms) should remove all channels if we quit (1.23ms) should remove a user if they part (1.22ms) should remove a channel from other users if we get kicked (1.32ms) should remove a user from a channel if they quit (1.26ms) should emit a signal for each channel a user was on if they quit (1.58ms) for nick changes should update the user on all channels (1.65ms) for activity should set the last activity timestamp on PRIVMSG (1.46ms) for NAMES should add nicks (1.32ms) should add nicks with a join time of nil (1.40ms) should not touch existing nicks (15.36ms) should not fail for unknown channels (1.31ms) for recent channel users should not know a recent user that was not there (1.36ms) should add a user to recent users when they leave (1.41ms) should set the part time (1.38ms) should remove users who left over an hour ago (1.43ms) for channel topics should leave the initial topic empty (1.32ms) should set the initial topic (1.26ms) should change topics (1.28ms) should remember the old topic (1.26ms) The nickserv handler identification should register on the identify challenge (1.24ms) should register with a password function (1.18ms) should not respond to a fake challenge (1.15ms) should emit nickserv.identified for the identification confirmation (1.19ms) should not fail if no nickserv mask is given (1.08ms) should not fail if no password is given (1.18ms) ghosting should ghost if we do not have our nick (1.16ms) should not ghost if we do have our nick (1.13ms) should emit nickserv.ghosted after successful ghosting (1.29ms) should regain the original nick (1.17ms) should emit nickserv.regained when the nick is regained (1.23ms) should not fail if no password is given (1.25ms) The `irc-format' function should format simple strings (0.11ms) should use string formatting for objects (0.09ms) The auto join handler should join channels after registration (1.10ms) should join channels after host hiding (1.12ms) should join channels after nick regain (1.11ms) should join channels after nickserv identification (1.19ms) should join channels after sasl login (1.69ms) The `shorten-one' function should shorten to a single character (0.12ms) should shorten to two characters (0.12ms) should shorten to three characters (0.14ms) should support a component validation function (0.17ms) The `shorten-make-tree' function should make trees (0.58ms) The `shorten-walk' function should return the empty list for a an empty tree (0.11ms) should return an alist for a single word (0.09ms) The `shorten-strings' function should work (0.47ms) The `shorten-strings-tail-count' function should work (0.18ms) The `tracking-shorten' function should retain text properties FAILED (0.04ms) The `tracking-status' function should display 2 entries in the modeline if `tracking-max-mode-line-entries' is `nil' FAILED (0.14ms) should display 1 entry in the modeline and a FAILED (0.11ms) should display nothing in the modeline if `tracking-max-mode-line-entries' is `0' FAILED (0.03ms) ======================================== The `tracking-shorten' function should retain text properties Traceback (most recent call last): cl--assertion-failed((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure))) error: (cl-assertion-failed ((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)) nil)) ======================================== The `tracking-status' function should display 2 entries in the modeline if `tracking-max-mode-line-entries' is `nil' Traceback (most recent call last): cl--assertion-failed((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure))) error: (cl-assertion-failed ((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)) nil)) ======================================== The `tracking-status' function should display 1 entry in the modeline and a Traceback (most recent call last): cl--assertion-failed((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure))) error: (cl-assertion-failed ((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)) nil)) ======================================== The `tracking-status' function should display nothing in the modeline if `tracking-max-mode-line-entries' is `0' Traceback (most recent call last): cl--assertion-failed((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure))) error: (cl-assertion-failed ((eq 'closure (car-safe oclosure)) nil)) Ran 214 specs, 4 failed, in 244.53ms. buttercup-run failed: "" * elisp-test-buttercup: tests failed [ !! ] * ERROR: app-emacs/circe-2.13::gentoo failed (test phase): * (no error message) * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 136: Called src_test * environment, line 1033: Called elisp_src_test * environment, line 876: Called elisp-test * environment, line 761: Called elisp-test-buttercup '.' * environment, line 772: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * eend $? "${FUNCNAME}: tests failed" || die * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=app-emacs/circe-2.13::gentoo'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=app-emacs/circe-2.13::gentoo'`. * The complete build log is located at '/var/log/emerge-log/build/app-emacs/circe-2.13:20240303-070323.log'. * For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/temp/environment'. * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work/circe-2.13' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/app-emacs/circe-2.13/work/circe-2.13'